
Thursday, March 17, 2011

A year already??

Yup, its been a year since my last post. Huge fail. Alot has happened and a lot is the same ole crap. I've dated a few guys, actually been engaged (again), more break-ups and now I have found someone amazing again.
I've bought a new car, been on 5 awesome vacations on both coasts (all but 1 with the ex husband, no we're not getting back together), been through school (still need to take my final but I've lost a little motivation), made new friends, parted ways with past ones, bought a car, bought a bike and ran my first 5k.
I've watched family members have their hearts broken and put back together. I've also had 6 new additions to our family and love each of them.
In the last year, I've watched my little girl change into the cutest little monster, and love to watch as her personality is changing. She is the best thing to ever happen to me. And someday I hope I can give her a sibling. (SOMEDAY).

And now to the present: Currently I am looking to buy my first home. People think that I am crazy trying to do this as a single mom that makes jack for money, but I need to do this. I am excited, nervous and trying to have patience all at the same time. I am currently with Dave. We have been together for 3 1/2 months and taking things uber slow, which is perfect for both of us.
I'm training to do the "Tour De Cure" on June 11th. You can either ride your (pedal) bike 1, 25, 60 or 100 miles. My goal is the 60, but if I can only do the 25... at least I can say I did it and strive for the 100 next year.
I've just hit my 19 year anniversary of having Diabetes and I must say, it's not any easier. I've been hospitalized again because of it, have received a new insulin pump and I hope things are going to get better with it from here on out. I work with an amazing team of Providers that keep me on my toes with it and I thank all of them for it.

So that's it in a nutshell. Nothing to special. I'll try to at least do quarterly updates and not the yearly ones.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

18 years!

So 18 years ago today, my life changed forever. I was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes, or type I diabetes. Stupid Disease. I was 12 years old and had no idea what that meant. Here's the story:In November of 1991 my Grandma Creager was hospitalized. I use to spend EVERY night there with my mom. My mom started noticing how often I was going to the bathroom and that I was extremely thirsty. I also had the flu pretty severe and dropped quite a bit of weight, which no 6th grader needed to lose.So on Friday March 13th, 1992 my brother picked me up from school and told me that my Grandma had died. I was so sad. My dad's sister and her family flew in for the funeral. On Monday March 16th, I had a doctor's appointment up at Herfordshire with Dr. Wood. So we get there and we are back in the room and my mom asks him to check my blood sugar. OUCH! not only did they do it once, but they did it twice! It took a few minutes to get the results back but when he came into the room, I knew that something was wrong. He said "You have juvenile diabetes". I was 12, and never heard about that before. My grandma who had just died had it, and I was scared to death! He said that my blood sugars were at 625, not good, and that I needed to get up to the hospital A.S.A.P. So me, mom and dad all left the office, all crying, and drove over to my Grandma's house where everyone was cleaning. We walked in, tear stricken faces, and told them what was going on. My Uncle Cliff was there and he helped my dad give me a blessing. So we head home, I shower, get some things packed... like my favorite barbie (totally hair brunette) and head to the hospital. Still terrified.We arrive at the St Ben's (Ogden Regional) Monday night and got me all checked in. They checked my blood sugars again and I was still scary high. My mom spent the night with me and the next morning they had me giving myself shots. That first one was a kicker, and I did it in my leg. So scared.Anyway, fast forward until now and I have been all over the board. I have had the highest blood sugars and been hospitalized. I have had the lowest blood sugars, passed out while driving and wrecked my jeep. I have been severely depressed, even suicidal. And I have been the happiest in my life. I have been crippled as an old lady with neuropathy where I couldn't walk and rode in a wheelchair most places.I wouldn't change what I have been through with diabetes. I think it has made me stronger and have more sympathy for those with terminal illnesses. I could have a disease much worse than diabetes, so I am thankful that this is all I have. I really want to teach others about this disease. I want to get my R.N. so that I can go on to be a diabetic educator. I understand what others are going through. Lots of people I know, that are diabetics have either been so tight with their regimen that they don't know how it is to be "out of control". I was told NEVER to try and get pregnant because they said neither me or the baby would make it through the delivery. Well guess what, I started really caring for myself and I had a very healthy baby. And I plan to have another, but won't push myself beyond 2.This post is mainly for me. I like to talk about this disease that I use to hide from everyone. I met a little girl one night that had this little pouch on her pocket and I saw some tubing. I went over and asked her if she had an insulin pump. She said yes and so I showed her mine. She was so excited. She said "mom look! She has one too!" She was only about 6 and had been diagnosed at the age of 4. I told her that only special people got to wear these. We are special, and she made my night.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

What's my dealio?

So I am such a slacker! I use to update the other blog ALL the time.. it's been a month and a half for this one. There really isnt anything going on in my life to blog about though.
I did go to another concert last night... GWAR. It was awesome. They are so weird... but I had an awesome time. I went with my friend Ty and his brother Shay and nephew Dayton, and Cathy and Seth came. Me and Cathy did NOT fit in the crowd at all... oh well. We still had fun.
We are flying out on December 2nd to go see Kevin. We are pretty excited to go. There are 5 of us going. Me, my mom, Ashlyn, Kevin's mom Gwen and his little sister Chelsey. It should be pretty fun. We are flying out on Wednesday night, get to spend all day Thursday and Friday with Kevin and then we fly back on Saturday.
When we fly in that night I will be meeting Cathy right after and going to another concert. Hawthorne Heights and Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Pretty stoked about that one too. I just hope I am not too jetlagged to enjoy it. Hmmm... guess we will see.
Oh and I finally got a job! YAY me! I am just doing the same things as always, but my co-workers are pretty cool so it makes the job nice. I will also be working 3- 12's which will suck for a long day, but nice to only work 3 days a week. Ashlyn goes to Kevin's sister Kim's house to be watched and has fun. Kim's littlest daughter is only 5 months older than Ashlyn so they have a good old time. But it is hard leaving her. I usually dont see her on those days because she is asleep when I leave and asleep when I get home. Sad day for me.
I am also going to gloat that I am down 40lbs!!! Only 3 more to go til my goal weight... and then I would still like to lose 5 more to be pre-marriage weight. I pat myself on the back... and feel great about myself and all I have accomplished WITHOUT a fad diet.
Well, hopefully one day I will have more to blog about.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Still a blog slacker

Well not much has been going on to blog about. I went to Brad Paisely which was AMAZING! I love that man. I then was invited last minute to go to Pearl Jam... 17th row on the floor, awesome show. Then the next night I went to the Clutch concert, they are a pretty rockin group. I just found out today that my D was finalized on Sept 22nd, faster than I had expected. So now I am busting my butt looking for a job because I thought I would have insurance longer. Ashlyn is keeping me way busy. All she wants to do is walk, but not on her own yet... she is so close, but just won't do it. She is my life though and I will do anything that makes her happy.
Anyway, thats my boring life as of right now. Hopefully one day I will have some fun stuff to blog about.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blog Slacker?

Why yes I am a blog slacker thank you very much. I have had a lot going on and not much time to blog. Let me just get today over with (Kevin ships out in the a.m.) and I will post what's been going on in this here crazy life.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Starting fresh....

So I figure with the recent changes in my life, I will start a new blog to go with them. Stay tuned for happenings...